Firezat Offers Pay Later Get Protection Now Up to 24 Months to Pay - Click for Details

Protecting Homes, Cabins, & Historic Landmarks From Wildfires- With No Water, Power, or Environmental Damage

  • There Will Never Be Enough Professionals to Protect All Structures During Wildfire Firestorms
  • Fire Shields Protect From Radiant Heat & Burning Ember Attack
wildfire structure wrap on cabin
Pre-Wrap Click to expand
wildfire structure wrap on cabin
Post-Wrap Click to expand

Beware Cheap Aluminiz”ED” Knockoffs

Woven Fiberglass Strands Break - Cause Eye and Skin Irritation - Not Best to Protect Your Home

When fire fighters are surrounded by wildfire flames and radiant heat they don't spray themselves with foam, they deploy their personal fire shelters and climb in. In the last 20 years over 250 lives have been saved by these aluminum fire shelters.
Fire Shields block 96% of radiant heat and 92% of convective heat, plus defeat firebrands blown by the wind. They cover eaves, decks, windows, attic vents, and your roof for maximum protection. If power is lost and water pressure a dribble, your home will be protected.
When wildfires threaten historical buildings in our national parks the US Forest Service uses Aluminized Structure Wrap, or cabin wrap, to protect them from radiant heat and burning embers. It’s the best protection strategy when it's too dangerous to stay.

Studies Show 80% of Wildfire Structure Ignitions Are the Result of Burning Embers and Radiant Heat. For the First Time You Can Use the Same Aluminized Structure Wrap the Professionals Use.

Who Uses Fire Shields
Loss of Power is Common
The Last Best Chance To Save Your Home or Cabin from Wildfire
Firefighters choose to face life threatening danger, incredibly hard work, and heat exhaustion to save lives and homes. But in every major fire, there too many fires and not enough resources to be everywhere when they are needed.

Firezat supplies the US Forest Service and other professional firefighting agencies its reusable Fire Shields to protect historical and high value national treasures when there aren’t enough resources, or its too dangerous to leave a crew behind to protect. Fire Shields are reusable, need no water, no power, and can be installed and left up indefinitely.

It’s the last best thing you can do to protect your family home or cabin from wildfires.
firefighter surounded by flames from burning home without structure wrap
Fireshields, structure wrap, or cabin wrap are a good choice when fire trucks are not
The Last Best Chance To Save Your Home or Cabin from Wildfire
100% Enviornmentally Friendly
  • Can Be Installed By Homeowners When Needed & REUSABLE
  • Reflects 96% of the Radiant Heat and 92% of Convective Heat
  • Protects Roofs, Homes, and decks from Burning Ember Attack
  • No Fear of Evaporation, Loss of Power or Water as With Gels
  • No Water, Pumps, Generators, or Power Required
  • Protects Attic Vents, Eaves, & Windows- Critical Areas
  • Can Be Installed Before Winds Pick Up & Left Up
  • Leave Up For Days or Weeks with Zero Performance Loss
  • Chicken Wire Increases Wind Resistance, Tested in 76 MPH Winds
  • Traps Moisture Below Shields (Water Saturation Method)
  • Removal Is Fast & Easy- Store For Next Use
Case University Structure Wrap Wildfire Burn Test
  1. Fumiaki Takahashi - Research Project
  2. Whole-House Fire Blanket Protection From Wildland- Urban Interface Fires
  3. Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Case Western Reserve University
Watch How Hot A Wildfire Really Is As It Passes Through A Burning Forest
  1. 300C = 572F- 600C = 1,112F- 800C = 1,472F
  2. Notice the small trees on the left. They off-gas organic compounds and when a firebrand passes near, the tree ignites.
  3. Wildfires travel up to 6 mph in forests and up to 14 mph in grasslands. Flames speed up when going uphill. Forbes 2020
  4. More than four out of every five wildfires are caused by people
  5. Which country has the most wildfires? Brazil
The performance of fire blankets to block heat has been investigated experimentally in the laboratory and prescribed wildfires. Two-layer thin fabric assemblies blocked up to 92% of the convective heat and up to 96% of the radiation (with an aluminized surface).... The key success factors in protecting the WUI structure are (1) the fire blanket's heat-blocking capability, (2) endurance under severe heat-exposure and high-wind conditions, and (3) proper installation to prevent hot-gas and firebrand penetration. Click link above to see study.
